A Ballad The Knight,he stands at the iron gate,The Maiden so sweet and fair looks out.
"Dear Knight,however can I come down?"
And silence and darkness reign all round.
"Catch this I throw,and it shall be Your rescue's sweetest surety.
Up there you can firmly bind the end,And by the rope you may descend."
"Ah,Knight,I fly like a thief to you,Ah,Knight,for love what won't I do!"
"Dear love,you take but what's your own,We'll flee like shadows that dance and are gone!"
"Ah,Knight,the darkness yawns below,My senses reel,I dare not go!"
"Then you refuse;my life I'd stake,And yet at empty terrors you quake!"
"Ah,Knight,ah,Knight,you play with fire,Yet you alone are my heart's desire!
Farewell,ye Halls,forever and ay,Where never again my feet shall stray.
"What lures me on I cannot fight;
Ye loved ones all,I bid goodnight!"
No more she demurs and plays for time,She clutches the rope for the downward climb.
No sooner has she slid halfway,Than she takes fright,her glances stray.
Her arms grow weak,she must let go To fall on the breast of Death below.
"Ah,Knight,warm me once more,and I
Blissfully in your arms may die,Let me but breathe your every kiss,And I'll fade into sweet nothingness."
The Knight embraces her trembling form,And to his bosom he presses her,warm.
And as their souls together strain,He too is pierced by mortal pain.
"Farewell,my Love,so true,so kind!"
"Stay,and I'll follow close behind!"
A flash,as of eternal fire,
Their souls depart and they expire.