第509章 CHAPTER X(48)
One that was well acquaint with the Council's humour in this point told a gentleman that was going before them, `I beseech you, whatever you do, speak nothing of conscience before the Lords, for they cannot abide to hear that word.'"FN 143 Fountainhall, May 17. 1686.
FN 144 Wodrow, III. x. 3.
FN 145 Citters, May 28/June 7, June 1/11 June 4/14 1686Fountainhall June 15;FN Luttrell's Diary, June 2. 16.
FN 146 Fountainhall, June 21 1686.
FN 147 Ibid. September 16. 1686.
FN 148 Fountainhall, Sept. 16; Wodrow, III. x. 3.
FN 149 The provisions of the Irish Act of Supremacy, 2 Eliz. chap. I., are substantially the same with those of the English Act of Supremacy, I Eliz. chap. I. hut the English act was soon found to he defective and the defect was supplied by a more stringent act, 5 Eliz. chap. I No such supplementary law was made in Ireland. That the construction mentioned in the text was put on the Irish Act of Supremacy, we are told by Archbishop King:
State of Ireland, chap. ii. sec. 9. He calls this construction Jesuitical but I cannot see it in that light.
FN 150 Political Anatomy of Ireland.
FN 151 Political Anatomy of Ireland, 1672; Irish Hudibras, 1689;John Dunton's Account of Ireland, 1699.
FN 152 Clarendon to Rochester, May 4. 1686.
FN 153 Bishop Malony's Letter to Bishop Tyrrel, March 5. 1689.
FN 154 Statute 10 & 11 Charles I. chap. 16; King's State of the Protestants of Ireland, chap. ii. sec. 8.
FN 155 King, chap. ii. sec. 8. Miss Edgeworth's King Corny belongs to a later and much more civilised generation; but whoever has studied that admirable portrait can form some notion of what King Corny's great grandfather must have been.
FN 156 King, chap. iii. sec. 2.
FN 157 Sheridan MS.; Preface to the first volume of the Hibernia Anglicana, 1690; Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland, 1689.
FN 158 "There was a free liberty of conscience by connivance, though not by the law."--King, chap. iii. sec. i.
FN 159 In a letter to James found among Bishop Tyrrel's papers, and dated Aug. 14. 1686, are some remarkable expressions. "There are few or none Protestants in that country but such as are joined with the Whigs against the common enemy." And again:
"Those that passed for Tories here (that is in England) "publicly espouse the Whig quarrel on the other side the water." Swift said the same thing to King William a few years later "I remember when I was last in England, I told the King that the highest Tories we had with us would make tolerable Whigs there."--Letters concerning the Sacramental Test.
FN 160 The wealth and negligence of the established clergy of Ireland are mentioned in the strongest terms by the Lord Lieutenant Clarendon, a most unexceptionable witness.
FN 161 Clarendon reminds the King of this in a letter dated March 14. "It certainly is," Clarendon adds, "a most true notion."FN 162 Clarendon strongly recommended this course, and was of opinion that the Irish Parliament would do its part. See his letter to Ormond, Aug. 28. 1686.
FN 163 It was an O'Neill of great eminence who said that it did not become him to writhe his mouth to chatter English. Preface to the first volume of the Hibernia Anglicana.
FN 164 Sheridan MS. among the Stuart Papers. I ought to acknowledge the courtesy with which Mr. Glover assisted me in my search for this valuable manuscript. James appears, from the instructions which he drew up for his son in 1692, to have retained to the last the notion that Ireland could not without danger be entrusted to an Irish Lord Lieutenant.
FN 165 Sheridan MS.
FN 166 Clarendon to Rochester, Jan. 19. 1685/6; Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland, 1690.
FN 167 Clarendon to Rochester, Feb. 27. 1685/6.
FN 168 Clarendon to Rochester and Sunderland, March 2. 1685/6;and to Rochester, March 14.
FN 169 Clarendon to Sunderland, Feb. 26. 1685/6.
FN 170 Sunderland to Clarendon, March 11. 1685/6.
FN 171 Clarendon to Rochester, March 14. 1685/6.
FN 172 Clarendon to James, March 4. 1685/6.
FN 173 James to Clarendon, April 6. 1686.
FN 174 Sunderland to Clarendon, May 22. 1686; Clarendon to Ormond, May 30.; Clarendon to Sunderland, July 6. 11.
FN 175 Clarendon to Rochester and Sunderland, June 1. 1686; to Rochester, June 12. King's State of the Protestants of Ireland, chap. ii. sec. 6, 7. Apology for the Protestants of Ireland, 1689.
FN 176 Clarendon to Rochester, May 15 1686.
FN 177 Ibid. May 11. 1686.
FN 178 Ibid. June 8. 1686.
FN 179 Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland.
FN 180 Clarendon to Rochester, June 26. and July 4. 1686; Apology for the Protestants of Ireland, 1689.
FN 181 Clarendon to Rochester, July 4. 22. 1686; to Sunderland, July 6; to the King, Aug. 14.
FN 182 Clarendon to Rochester, June 19. 1686.
FN 183 Ibid. June 22. 1686.
FN 184 Sheridan MS. King's State of the Protestants of Ireland, chap. iii. sec. 3. sec. 8. There is a most striking instance of Tyrconnel's impudent mendacity in Clarendon's letter to Rochester, July 22. 1686.
FN 185 Clarendon to Rochester, June 8. 1686.
FN 186 Clarendon to Rochester, Sept. 23. and Oct. 2. 1686 Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland, 1690.
FN 187 Clarendon to Rochester, Oct. 6. 1686.
FN 188 Clarendon to the King and to Rochester, Oct. 23. 1686.
FN 189 Clarendon to Rochester, Oct. 29, 30. 1686.
FN 190 Ibid. Nov. 27. 1686.
FN 191 Barillon, Sept. 13/23 1686; Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 99.
FN 192 Sheridan MS.
FN 193 Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 100.
FN 194 Barillon, Sept. 13/23 i686; Bonrepaux, June 4. I687.
FN 195 Barillon, Dec. 2/12 1686; Burnet, i. 684.; Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 100.; Dodd's Church History. I have tried to frame a fair narrative out of these conflicting materials. It seems clear to me, from Rochester's own papers that he was on this occasion by no means so stubborn as he has been represented by Burnet and by the biographer of James.
FN 196 From Rochester's Minutes, dated Dec. 3. 1686.
FN 197 From Rochester's Minutes, Dec. 4. 1686.
FN 198 Barillon, Dec. 20/30 1686.
FN 199 Burnet, i. 684.