Careless reader must have remarked a change of air since the Marquesas.The house,crowded with effects,the bustling housewife counting her possessions,the serious,indoctrinated island pastor,the long fight for life in the lagoon:here are traits of a new world.I read in a pamphlet (I will not give the author's name)that the Marquesan especially resembles the Paumotuan.I should take the two races,though so near in neighbourhood,to be extremes of Polynesian diversity.The Marquesan is certainly the most beautiful of human races,and one of the tallest -the Paumotuan averaging a good inch shorter,and not even handsome;the Marquesan open-handed,inert,insensible to religion,childishly self-indulgent -the Paumotuan greedy,hardy,enterprising,a religious disputant,and with a trace of the ascetic character.
Yet a few years ago,and the people of the archipelago were crafty savages.Their isles might be called sirens'isles,not merely from the attraction they exerted on the passing mariner,but from the perils that awaited him on shore.Even to this day,in certain outlying islands,danger lingers;and the civilized Paumotuan dreads to land and hesitates to accost his backward brother.But,except in these,to-day the peril is a memory.When our generation were yet in the cradle and playroom it was still a living fact.
Between 1830and 1840,Hao,for instance,was a place of the most dangerous approach,where ships were seized and crews kidnapped.
As late as 1856,the schooner SARAH ANN sailed from Papeete and was seen no more.She had women on board,and children,the captain's wife,a nursemaid,a baby,and the two young sons of a Captain Steven on their way to the mainland for schooling.All were supposed to have perished in a squall.A year later,the captain of the JULIA,coasting along the island variously called Bligh,Lagoon,and Tematangi saw armed natives follow the course of his schooner,clad in many-coloured stuffs.Suspicion was at once aroused;the mother of the lost children was profuse of money;and one expedition having found the place deserted,and returned content with firing a few shots,she raised and herself accompanied another.None appeared to greet or to oppose them;they roamed a while among abandoned huts and empty thickets;then formed two parties and set forth to beat,from end to end,the pandanus jungle of the island.One man remained alone by the landing-place -Teina,a chief of Anaa,leader of the armed natives who made the strength of the expedition.Now that his comrades were departed this way and that,on their laborious exploration,the silence fell profound;and this silence was the ruin of the islanders.A sound of stones rattling caught the ear of Teina.He looked,thinking to perceive a crab,and saw instead the brown hand of a human being issue from a fissure in the ground.A shout recalled the search parties and announced their doom to the buried caitiffs.In the cave below,sixteen were found crouching among human bones and singular and horrid curiosities.One was a head of golden hair,supposed to be a relic of the captain's wife;another was half of the body of a European child,sun-dried and stuck upon a stick,doubtless with some design of wizardry.
The Paumotuan is eager to be rich.He saves,grudges,buries money,fears not work.For a dollar each,two natives passed the hours of daylight cleaning our ship's copper.It was strange to see them so indefatigable and so much at ease in the water -working at times with their pipes lighted,the smoker at times submerged and only the glowing bowl above the surface;it was stranger still to think they were next congeners to the incapable Marquesan.But the Paumotuan not only saves,grudges,and works,he steals besides;or,to be more precise,he swindles.He will never deny a debt,he only flees his creditor.He is always keen for an advance;so soon as he has fingered it he disappears.He knows your ship;so soon as it nears one island,he is off to another.You may think you know his name;he has already changed it.Pursuit in that infinity of isles were fruitless.The result can be given in a nutshell.It has been actually proposed in a Government report to secure debts by taking a photograph of the debtor;and the other day in Papeete credits on the Paumotus to the amount of sixteen thousand pounds were sold for less than forty -QUATRE CENT MILLE FRANCS POUR MOINS DE MILLE FRANCS.Even so,the purchase was thought hazardous;and only the man who made it and who had special opportunities could have dared to give so much.
The Paumotuan is sincerely attached to those of his own blood and household.A touching affection sometimes unites wife and husband.
Their children,while they are alive,completely rule them;after they are dead,their bones or their mummies are often jealously preserved and carried from atoll to atoll in the wanderings of the family.I was told there were many houses in Fakarava with the mummy of a child locked in a sea-chest;after I heard it,I would glance a little jealously at those by my own bed;in that cupboard,also,it was possible there was a tiny skeleton.