第31章 OF THE CREED(3)
This article (as I have said)I cannot relate better than to Sanctification,that through the same the Holy Ghost,with His office,is declared and depicted,namely,that He makes holy.Therefore we must take our stand upon the word Holy Ghost,because it is so precise and comprehensive that we cannot find another.For there are,besides,many kinds of spirits mentioned in the Holy Scriptures,as,the spirit of man,heavenly spirits,and evil spirits.But the Spirit of God alone is called Holy Ghost,that is,He who has sanctified and still sanctifies us.For as the Father is called Creator,the Son Redeemer,so the Holy Ghost,from His work,must be called Sanctifier,or One that makes holy.But how is such sanctifying done?Answer:Just as the Son obtains dominion,whereby He wins us,through His birth,death,resurrection,etc.,so also the Holy Ghost effects our sanctification by the following parts,namely,by the communion of saints or the Christian Church,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting;that is,He first leads us into His holy congregation,and places us in the bosom of the Church,whereby He preaches to us and brings us to Christ.
For neither you nor I could ever know anything of Christ,or believe on Him,and obtain Him for our Lord,unless it were offered to us and granted to our hearts by the Holy Ghost through the preaching of the Gospel.The work is done and accomplished;for Christ has acquired and gained the treasure for us by His suffering,death,resurrection,etc.
But if the work remained concealed so that no one knew of it,then it would be in vain and lost.That this treasure,therefore,might not lie buried,but be appropriated and enjoyed,God has caused the Word to go forth and be proclaimed,in which He gives the Holy Ghost to bring this treasure home and appropriate it to us.Therefore sanctifying is nothing else than bringing us to Christ to receive this good,to which we could not attain of ourselves.
Learn,then,to understand this article most clearly.If you are asked:What do you mean by the words:I believe in the Holy Ghost?you can answer:I believe that the Holy Ghost makes me holy,as His name implies.But whereby does He accomplish this,or what are His method and means to this end?Answer:By the Christian Church,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting.For,in the first place,He has a peculiar congregation in the world,which is the mother that begets and bears every Christian through the Word of God,which He reveals and preaches,[and through which]He illumines and enkindles hearts,that they understand,accept it,cling to it,and persevere in it.
For where He does not cause it to be preached and made alive in the heart,so that it is understood,it is lost,as was the case under the Papacy,where faith was entirely put under the bench,and no one recognized Christ as his Lord or the Holy Ghost as his Sanctifier,that is,no one believed that Christ is our Lord in the sense that He has acquired this treasure for us,without our works and merit,and made us acceptable to the Father.What,then,was lacking?This,that the Holy Ghost was not there to reveal it and cause it to be preached;but men and evil spirits were there,who taught us to obtain grace and be saved by our works.Therefore it is not a Christian Church either;for where Christ is not preached,there is no Holy Ghost who creates,calls,and gathers the Christian Church,without which no one can come to Christ the Lord.Let this suffice concerning the sum of this article.But because the parts which are here enumerated are not quite clear to the simple,we shall run over them also.
The Creed denominates the holy Christian Church,communionem sanctorum,a communion of saints;for both expressions,taken together,are identical.But formerly the one [the second]expression was not there,and it has been poorly and unintelligibly translated into German eine Gemeinschaft der Heiligen,a communion of saints.If it is to be rendered plainly,it must be expressed quite differently in the German idiom;for the word ecclesia properly means in German eine Versammlung,an assembly.But we are accustomed to the word church,by which the simple do not understand an assembled multitude,but the consecrated house or building,although the house ought not to be called a church,except only for the reason that the multitude assembles there.For we who assemble there make and choose for ourselves a particular place,and give a name to the house according to the assembly.
Thus the word Kirche (church)means really nothing else than a common assembly and is not German by idiom,but Greek (as is also the word ecclesia);for in their own language they call it kyria,as in Latin it is called curia.Therefore in genuine German,in our mother-tongue,it ought to be called a Christian congregation or assembly (eine christliche Gemeinde oder Sammlung),or,best of all and most clearly,holy Christendom (eine heilige Christenheit).
So also the word communio,which is added,ought not to be rendered communion (Gemeinschaft),but congregation (Gemeinde).And it is nothing else than an interpretation or explanation by which some one meant to explain what the Christian Church is.This our people,who understood neither Latin nor German,have rendered Gemeinschaft der Heiligen (communion of saints),although no German language speaks thus,nor understands it thus.But to speak correct German,it ought to be eine Gemeinde der Heiligen (a congregation of saints),that is,a congregation made up purely of saints,or,to speak yet more plainly,eine heilige Gemeinde,a holy congregation.I say this in order that the words Gemeinschaft der Heiligen (communion of saints)may be understood,because the expression has become so established by custom that it cannot well be eradicated,and it is treated almost as heresy if one should attempt to change a word.