"Her name is Clara,and she is the daughter of Major Thomas Botts Sampson,of the regular army,"began Felix Gussing.
"Then her father is a military man."
"Exactly,and that is the trouble,"and the dude gave a groan.
"It is this way:When I went to see Major Sampson he greeted me very cordially,until I disclosed the object of my visit.
"'Sir,'said he 'This is a matter which requires consideration.
Have you gained my daughter's consent?'
"'I have,'I answered.
"'So far so good,'said he.'But there is one thing more.Have you served in the army?'
"'No,'said I.
"'Or fought a duel?'
"Then he told me to remember that he had served in the army and that his daughter was the daughter of an army man,one who had gone through many battles.After that he said he was resolved that his daughter should marry only somebody who had proved himself a man of courage.""What did you do then?"asked Joe,becoming interested.
"What could I do?I am--er--no army man--no fighter.Evidently the major wants a fighter for a son-in-law,"and Felix Gussing groaned once more.
"You'll have to become a fighter,"said Joe.
"No!no!I am a er--a man of peace!"cried the dude,in alarm.
"Mr.Gussing,I think I can arrange matters for you,"said Joe,struck by a certain idea.
"What can you mean,Joe?"
"I mean that I can prove to Major Sampson that you are a brave man.""Do that,Joe,and I shall be your friend for life!"gasped the dude.
"Will you wait until to-morrow,Mr.Gussing?""Certainly,but do not keep me in suspense too long.""This may cost you a little money."
"I don't care if it costs a hundred dollars.""Then I am sure I can fix it up for you,"answered Joe.
There was stopping at the hotel a man named Montgomery.He had at different times been an auctioneer,a book-agent,a schoolmaster,and a traveling salesman.He was just now selling curiosities and Joe felt that he would be only too glad to do Felix Gussing a good turn if he were paid for it.
Our hero had a talk with this man,and the upshot of the matter was that Montgomery and the dude were introduced on the following morning.
"I think I can help you,Mr.Gussing,"said the curiosity man,who,it may be mentioned here,was a tall and important-looking personage."I was once in the army.""What can you do?"questioned the dude,hopefully.
"Will it be worth fifty dollars to you if I aid you in winning the consent of Major Sampson to wed his daughter?""Decidedly."
"This is also Joe's plan,so you will have to pay him,too.""I don't want any money,"put in our hero.
"Joe shall have ten dollars--if your plan wins out.But how is all this to be accomplished?"continued Felix Gussing.
"We will take the earliest possible opportunity to visit Major Sampson,"said Ulmer Montgomery.
"When we are all together,we'll get into some sort of an argument.You shall call me a fool and I'll slap you in the face.Then you shall challenge me to a duel.""A duel!Why,sir,I--er--I never could shoot you,and I don't want to be shot myself.""My dear Mr.Gussing,you don't understand me.Don't you comprehend,the pistols shall be loaded with powder only.""Ah,that's the idea!"exclaimed the dude,much relieved.
"Yes.You see it will only be a sham duel so far as we are concerned,but will,in the most harmless fashion possible,prove you to be a man of honor and courage.Major Sampson's scruples will vanish,and you will have the pleasure of gaining his daughter's hand in marriage.
"I agree,Mr.Montgomery--the plan is a famous one.Is it yours or is it Joe's?""Joe's--but it will fall to me to help carry it out,"said the Jack-of-all-trades,who did not lose sight of the fifty dollars that had been promised to him.
On the following day Felix Gussing and Mr.Montgomery took themselves to Major Sampson's residence,where the stranger was introduced as a curiosity hunter from Chicago.
"He wishes to look at your collection of swords,"said the dude.