第83章 MISTAKES (2)
but she had never pleaded in vain. 'I will return straight here after I have done my business You will be sure to inquire after them?--after her?' Mrs. Thornton was by no means a talkative companion to Fanny, nor yet a good listener while her son was absent. But on his return, her eyes and ears were keen to see and to listen to all the details which he could give, as to the steps he had taken to secure himself, and those whom he chose to employ, from any repetition of the day's outrages. He clearly saw his object. Punishment and suffering, were the natural consequences to those who had taken part in the riot. All that was necessary, in order that property should be protected, and that the will of the proprietor might cut to his end, clean and sharp as a sword. 'Mother! You know what I have got to say to Miss Hale, to-morrow?' The question came upon her suddenly, during a pause in which she, at least, had forgotten Margaret. She looked up at him. 'Yes! I do. You can hardly do otherwise.' 'Do otherwise! I don't understand you.' 'I mean that, after allowing her feelings so to overcome her, I consider you bound in honour--' 'Bound in honour,' said he, scornfully. 'I'm afraid honour has nothing to do with it. "Her feelings overcome her!" What feelings do you mean?' 'Nay, John, there is no need to be angry. Did she not rush down, and cling to you to save you from danger?' 'She did!' said he. 'But, mother,' continued he, stopping short in his walk right in front of her, 'I dare not hope. I never was fainthearted before; but I cannot believe such a creature cares for me.' 'Don't be foolish, John. Such a creature! Why, she might be a duke's daughter, to hear you speak. And what proof more would you have, I wonder, of her caring for you? I can believe she has had a struggle with her aristocratic way of viewing things; but I like her the better for seeing clearly at last. It is a good deal for me to say,' said Mrs. Thornton, smiling slowly, while the tears stood in her eyes; 'for after to-night, I stand second.
It was to have you to myself, all to myself, a few hours longer, that Ibegged you not to go till to-morrow!' 'Dearest mother!' (Still love is selfish, and in an instant he reverted to his own hopes and fears in a way that drew the cold creeping shadow over Mrs. Thornton's heart.) 'But I know she does not care for me. I shall put myself at her feet--I must. If it were but one chance in a thousand--or a million--I should do it.' 'Don't fear!' said his mother, crushing down her own personal mortification at the little notice he had taken of the rare ebullition of her maternal feelings--of the pang of jealousy that betrayed the intensity of her disregarded love. 'Don't be afraid,' she said, coldly. 'As far as love may go she may be worthy of you. It must have taken a good deal to overcome her pride.
Don't be afraid, John,' said she, kissing him, as she wished him good-night.
And she went slowly and majestically out of the room. But when she got into her own, she locked the door, and sate down to cry unwonted tears. Margaret entered the room (where her father and mother still sat, holding low conversation together), looking very pale and white. She came close up to them before she could trust herself to speak. 'Mrs. Thornton will send the water-bed, mamma.' 'Dear, how tired you look! Is it very hot, Margaret?' 'Very hot, and the streets are rather rough with the strike.' Margaret's colour came back vivid and bright as ever; but it faded away instantly. 'Here has been a message from Bessy Higgins, asking you to go to her,'