The news brought by the Indian lad changed for Cameron all his plans.This cattle-raid was evidently a part of and preparation for the bigger thing, a general uprising and war of extermination on the part of the Indians.From his recent visit to the reserves he was convinced that the loyalty of even the great Chiefs was becoming somewhat brittle and would not bear any sudden strain put upon it.A successful raid of cattle such as was being proposed escaping the notice of the Police, or in the teeth of the Police, would have a disastrous effect upon the prestige of the whole Force, already shaken by the Duck Lake reverse.The effect of that skirmish was beyond belief.The victory of the half-breeds was exaggerated in the wildest degree.He must act and act quickly.
His home and his family and those of his neighbors were in danger of the most horrible fate that could befall any human being.If the cattle-raid were carried through by the Piegan Indians its sweep would certainly include the Big Horn Ranch, and there was every likelihood that his home might be destroyed, for he was an object of special hate to Eagle Feather and to Little Thunder; and if Copperhead were in the business he had even greater cause for anxiety.
But what was to be done? The Indian boy had taken three days to bring the news.It would take a day and a night of hard riding to reach his home.Quickly he made his plans.He passed into the hotel, found the room of Billy the hostler and roused him up.
"Billy," he said, "get my horse out quick and hitch him up to the post where I can get him.And Billy, if you love me," he implored, "be quick!"Billy sprang from his bed.
"Don't know what's eatin' you, boss," he said, "but quick's the word."In another minute Cameron was pounding at Dr.Martin's door upstairs.Happily the doctor was in.
"Martin, old man," cried Cameron, gripping him hard by the shoulder."Wake up and listen hard! That Indian boy you and Mandy pulled through has just come all the way from the Piegan Reserve to tell me of a proposed cattle-raid and a possible uprising of the Piegans in that South country.The cattle-raid is coming on at once.The uprising depends upon news from the Crees.Listen! Ihave promised Superintendent Strong to spend the next two days recruiting for his new troop.Explain to him why I cannot do this.
He will understand.Then ride like blazes to Macleod and tell the Inspector all that I have told you and get him to send what men he can spare along with you.You can't get a man here.The raid starts from the Piegan Reserve.It will likely finish where the old Porcupine Trail joins the Sun Dance.At least so I judge.
Ride by the ranch and get some of them there to show you the shortest trail.Both Mandy and Moira know it well.""Hold on, Cameron! Let me get this clear," cried the doctor, holding him fast by the arm."Two things I have gathered," said the doctor, speaking rapidly, "first, a cattle-raid, then a general uprising, the uprising dependent upon the news from the North.You want to block the cattle-raid? Is that right?""Right," said Cameron.
"Then you want me to settle with Superintendent Storm, ride to Macleod for men, then by your ranch and have them show me the shortest trail to the junction of the Porcupine and the Sun Dance?""You are right, Martin, old boy.It is a great thing to have a head like yours.I shall meet you somewhere at that point.I have been thinking this thing over and I believe they mean to make pemmican in preparation for their uprising, and if so they will make it somewhere on the Sun Dance Trail.Now I am off.Let me go, Martin.""Tell me your own movements now."
"First, the ranch," said Cameron."Then straight for the Sun Dance.""All right, old boy.By-by and good-luck!"Cameron found Billy waiting with Ginger at the door of the hotel.
"Thank you, Billy," he said, fumbling in his pocket."Hang it, Ican't find my purse."
"You go hang yourself!" said Billy."Never mind your purse.""All right, then," said Cameron, giving him his hand."Good-by.
You are a trump, Billy." He caught Ginger by the mane and threw himself on the saddle.
"Now, then, Ginger, you must not fail me this trip, if it is your last.A hundred and twenty miles, old boy, and you are none too fresh either.But, Ginger, we must beat them this time.A hundred and twenty miles to the Big Horn and twenty miles farther to the Sun Dance, that makes a hundred and forty, Ginger, and you are just in from a hard two days' ride.Steady, boy! Not too hard at the first." For Ginger was showing signs of eagerness beyond his wont.
"At all costs this raid must be stopped," continued Cameron, speaking, after his manner, to his horse, "not for the sake of a few cattle--we could all stand that loss--but to balk at its beginning this scheme of old Copperhead's, for I believe in my soul he is at the bottom of it.Steady, old boy! We need every minute, but we cannot afford to make any miscalculations.The last quarter of an hour is likely to be the worst."So on they went through the starry night.Steadily Ginger pounded the trail, knocking off the miles hour after hour.There was no pause for rest or for food.A few mouthfuls of water in the fording of a running stream, a pause to recover breath before plunging into an icy river, or on the taking of a steep coulee side, but no more.Hour after hour they pressed forward toward the Big Horn Ranch.The night passed into morning and the morning into the day, but still they pressed the trail.
Toward the close of the day Cameron found himself within an hour's ride of his own ranch with Ginger showing every sign of leg weariness and almost of collapse.
"Good old chap!" cried Cameron, leaning over him and patting his neck."We must make it.We cannot let up, you know.Stick to it, old boy, a little longer."A little snort and a little extra spurt of speed was the gallant Ginger's reply, but soon he was forced to sink back again into his stumbling stride.