"Something wrong, eh?" he said."Are you in pain, old boy?"The appealing eyes closed, then, opening again, turned toward the Superintendent.
"Copperhead," he whispered.
"What do you say?" said the Superintendent kneeling down.
Once more with painful effort Cameron managed to utter the word "Copperhead.""Copperhead!" ejaculated the Superintendent in a low tense voice, springing to his feet and turning toward the unconscious Indian.
"He's gone!" he cried with a great oath."He's gone! Sergeant Crisp!" he shouted, "Call out the whole Force! Surround this camp and hold every Indian.Search every teepee for this fellow who was lying here.Quick! Quick!" Leaving Cameron to the doctor, who in a few minutes became satisfied that no serious injury had been sustained, he joined in the search with fierce energy.The teepees were searched, the squaws and papooses were ruthlessly bundled out from their slumbers and with the Indians were huddled into the Barracks.But of the Sioux Chief there was no sign.He had utterly vanished.The black prairie had engulfed him.
But the Police had their own methods.Within a quarter of an hour half a dozen mounted constables were riding off in different directions to cover the main trails leading to the Indian reserves and to sweep a wide circle about the town.
"They will surely get him," said Dr.Martin confidently.
"Not much chance of it," growled Cameron, to whom with returning consciousness had come the bitter knowledge of the escape of the man he had come to regard as his mortal enemy."I had him fast enough," he groaned, "in spite of the best he could do, and I would have choked his life out had it not been for these other devils.""They certainly jumped in savagely," said Martin."In fact Icannot understand how they got at the thing so quickly.""Didn't you hear him call?" said Cameron."It was his call that did it.Something he said turned them into devils.They were bound to do for me.I never saw Indians act like that.""Yes, I heard that call, and it mighty near did the trick for you.
Thank Heaven your thick Hielan' skull saved you.""How did they let him go?" again groaned Cameron.
"How? Because he was too swift for us," said the Superintendent, who had come in, "and we too slow.I thought it was an ordinary Indian row, you see, but I might have known that you would not have gone in in that style without good reason.Who would think that this old devil should have the impudence to camp right here under our nose? Where did he come from anyway, do you suppose?""Been to the Blackfoot Reserve like enough and was on his way to the Sarcees when he fell in with this little camp of theirs.""That's about it," replied the Superintendent gloomily."And to think you had him fast and we let him go!"The thought brought small comfort to any of them, least of all to Cameron.In that vast foothill country with all the hidings of the hills and hollows there was little chance that the Police would round up the fugitive, and upon Cameron still lay the task of capturing this cunning and resourceful foe.
"Never mind," said Martin cheerily."Three out, all out.You'll get him next time.""I don't know about that.But I'll get him some time or he'll get me," replied Cameron as his face settled into grim lines."Let's get back.""Are you quite fit?" inquired the Superintendent.
"Fit enough.Sore a bit in the head, but can navigate.""I can't tell you how disappointed and chagrined I feel.It isn't often that my wits are so slow but--" The Superintendent's jaws here cut off his speech with a snap.The one crime reckoned unpardonable in the men under his own command was that of failure and his failure to capture old Copperhead thus delivered into his hands galled him terribly.
"Well, good-night, Cameron," said the Superintendent, looking out into the black night."We shall let you know to-morrow the result of our scouting, though I don't expect much from it.He is much too clever to be caught in the open in this country.""Perhaps he'll skidoo," said Dr.Martin hopefully.
"No, he's not that kind," replied the Superintendent."You can't scare him out.You have got to catch him or kill him.""I think you are right, sir," said Cameron."He will stay till his work is done or till he is made to quit.""That is true, Cameron--till he is made to quit--and that's your job," said the Superintendent solemnly.
"Yes, that is my job, sir," replied Cameron simply and with equal solemnity."I shall do my best.""We have every confidence in you, Cameron," replied the Superintendent."Good-night," he said again, shutting the door.
"Say, old man, this is too gruesome," said Martin with fierce impatience."I can't see why it's up to you more than any other.""The Sun Dance Trail is the trail he must take to do his work.
That was my patrol last year--I know it best.God knows I don't want this--" his breath came quick--"I am not afraid--but--but there's-- We have been together for such a little while, you know." He could get no farther for a moment or two, then added quietly, "But somehow I know--yes and she knows--bless her brave heart--it is my job.I must stay with it."