Twenty-four hours after Madame Olenska's summons a telegram announced that she would arrive from Washington on the evening of the following day.At the Wellands', where the Newland Archers chanced to be lunching, the question as to who should meet her at Jersey City was immediately raised; and the material difficulties amid which the Welland household struggled as if it had been a frontier outpost, lent animation to the debate.It was agreed that Mrs.Welland could not possibly go to Jersey City because she was to accompany her husband to old Catherine's that afternoon, and the brougham could not be spared, since, if Mr.Welland were "upset" by seeing his mother-in-law for the first time after her attack, he might have to be taken home at a moment's notice.The Welland sons would of course be "down town," Mr.Lovell Mingott would be just hurrying back from his shooting, and the Mingott carriage engaged in meeting him; and one could not ask May, at the close of a winter afternoon, to go alone across the ferry to Jersey City, even in her own carriage.Nevertheless, it might appear inhospitable --and contrary to old Catherine's express wishes--if Madame Olenska were allowed to arrive without any of the family being at the station to receive her.It was just like Ellen, Mrs.Welland's tired voice implied, to place the family in such a dilemma."It's always one thing after another," the poor lady grieved, in one of her rare revolts against fate; "the only thing that makes me think Mamma must be less well than Dr.Bencomb will admit is this morbid desire to have Ellen come at once, however inconvenient it is to meet her."The words had been thoughtless, as the utterances of impatience often are; and Mr.Welland was upon them with a pounce.
"Augusta," he said, turning pale and laying down his fork, "have you any other reason for thinking that Bencomb is less to be relied on than he was? Have you noticed that he has been less conscientious than usual in following up my case or your mother's?"It was Mrs.Welland's turn to grow pale as the endless consequences of her blunder unrolled themselves before her; but she managed to laugh, and take a second helping of scalloped oysters, before she said, struggling back into her old armour of cheerfulness:
"My dear, how could you imagine such a thing? I only meant that, after the decided stand Mamma took about its being Ellen's duty to go back to her husband, it seems strange that she should be seized with this sudden whim to see her, when there are half a dozen other grandchildren that she might have asked for.But we must never forget that Mamma, in spite of her wonderful vitality, is a very old woman."Mr.Welland's brow remained clouded, and it was evident that his perturbed imagination had fastened at once on this last remark."Yes: your mother's a very old woman; and for all we know Bencomb may not be as successful with very old people.As you say, my dear, it's always one thing after another; and in another ten or fifteen years I suppose I shall have the pleasing duty of looking about for a new doctor.It's always better to make such a change before it's absolutely necessary." And having arrived at this Spartan decision Mr.Welland firmly took up his fork.