A Message of Warning and Entreaty.
The first epistle to the Corinthian church was written by the apostle Paul during the latter part of his stay at Ephesus.For no others had he felt a deeper interest or put forth more untiring effort than for the believers in Corinth.For a year and a half he had labored among them, pointing them to a crucified and risen Saviour as the only means of salvation, and urging them to rely implicitly on the transforming power of His grace.Before accepting into church fellowship those who made a profession of Christianity, he had been careful to give them special instruction as to the privileges and duties of the Christian believer, and he had earnestly endeavored to help them to be faithful to their baptismal vows.
Paul had a keen sense of the conflict which every soul must wage with the agencies of evil that are continually seeking to deceive and ensnare, and he had worked untiringly to strengthen and confirm those who were young in the faith.He had entreated them to make an entire surrender to God; for he knew that when the soul fails to make this surrender, then sin is not forsaken, the appetites and passions still strive for the mastery, and temptations confuse the conscience.
The surrender must be complete.Every weak, doubting, struggling soul who yields fully to the Lord is placed in direct touch with agencies that enable him to overcome.Heaven is near to him, and he has the support and help of angels of mercy in every time of trial and need.
The members of the church at Corinth were surrounded by idolatry and sensuality of the most alluring form.While the apostle was with them, these influences had but little power over them.Paul's firm faith, his fervent prayers and earnest words of instruction, and, above all, his godly life had helped them to deny self for Christ's sake rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin.
After the departure of Paul, however, unfavorable conditions arose; tares that had been sown by the enemy appeared among the wheat, and erelong these began to bring forth their evil fruit.This was a time of severe trial to the Corinthian church.The apostle was no longer with them to quicken their zeal and aid them in their endeavors to live in harmony with God, and little by little many became careless and indifferent, and allowed natural tastes and inclinations to control them.He who had so often urged them to high ideals of purity and uprightness was no longer with them, and not a few who, at the time of their conversion, had put away their evil habits, returned to the debasing sins of heathenism.
Paul had written briefly to the church, admonishing them "not to company"with members who should persist in profligacy; but many of the believers perverted the apostle's meaning, quibbled over his words, and excused themselves for disregarding his instruction.
A letter was sent to Paul by the church, asking for counsel concerning various matters, but saying nothing of the grievous sins existing among them.The apostle was, however, forcibly impressed by the Holy Spirit that the true state of the church had been concealed and that this letter was an attempt to draw from him statements which the writers could construe to serve their own purposes.
About this time there came to Ephesus members of the household of Chloe, a Christian family of high repute in Corinth.Paul asked them regarding the condition of things, and they told him that the church was rent by divisions.The dissensions that had prevailed at the time of Apollos's visit had greatly increased.False teachers were leading the members to despise the instructions of Paul.The doctrines and ordinances of the gospel had been perverted.Pride, idolatry, and sensualism, were steadily increasing among those who had once been zealous in the Christian life.
As this picture was presented before him, Paul saw that his worst fears were more than realized.But he did not because of this give way to the thought that his work had been a failure.With "anguish of heart" and with "many tears" he sought counsel from God.Gladly would he have visited Corinth at once, had this been the wisest course to pursue.But he knew that in their present condition the believers would not profit by his labors, and therefore he sent Titus to prepare the way for a visit from himself later on.Then, putting aside all personal feelings over the course of those whose conduct revealed such strange perverseness, and keeping his soul stayed upon God, the apostle wrote to the church at Corinth one of the richest, most instructive, most powerful of all his letters.
With remarkable clearness he proceeded to answer the various questions brought forward by the church, and to lay down general principles, which, if heeded, would lead them to a higher spiritual plane.They were in peril, and he could not bear the thought of failing at this critical time to reach their hearts.Faithfully he warned them of their dangers and reproved them for their sins.He pointed them again to Christ and sought to kindle anew the fervor of their early devotion.