In the Rube's half inning he retired Bannister and Blandy on feeble infield grounders, and worked Cogswell into hitting a wide curve high in the air.
Poole meant to win for the Quakers if his good arm and cunning did not fail him, and his pitching was masterly.McCloskey fanned, Hutchinson fouled out, Brewster got a short safe fly just out of reach, and Hoffner hit to second, forcing Brewster.
With Dugan up for the Quakers in the third inning, Cogswell and Bannister, from the coaching lines, began to talk to the Rube.My ears, keen from long practice, caught some of the remarks in spite of the noisy bleachers.
``Say, busher, you 've lasted longer'n we expected, but you don't know it!''
``Gol darn you city ball tossers! Now you jest let me alone!''
``We're comin' through the rye!''
``My top-heavy rustic friend, you'll need an airship presently, when you go up!''
All the badinage was good-natured, which was sure proof that the Quakers had not arrived at anything like real appreciation of the Rube.They were accustomed to observe the trying out of many youngsters, of whom ninety-nine out of a hundred failed to make good.
Dugan chopped at three strikes and slammed his bat down.Hucker hit a slow fly to Hoffer.
Three men out on five pitched balls! Cogswell, old war horse that he was, stood a full moment and watched the Rube as he walked in to the bench.An idea had penetrated Cogswell's brain, and I would have given something to know what it was.Cogswell was a great baseball general, and though he had a preference for matured ball-players he could, when pressed, see the quality in a youngster.He picked up his mitt and took his position at first with a gruff word to his players.
Rand for Chicago opened with a hit, and the bleachers, ready to strike fire, began to cheer and stamp.When McCloskey, in an attempt to sacrifice, beat out his bunt the crowd roared.Rand,eing slow on his feet, had not attempted to make third on the play.Hutchinson sacrificed, neatly advancing the runners.Then the bleachers played the long rolling drum of clattering feet with shrill whistling accompaniment.Brewster batted a wicked ground ball to Blandy.He dove into the dust, came up with the ball, and feinting to throw home he wheeled and shot the ball to Cogswell, who in turn shot it to the plate to head Rand.Runner and ball got there apparently together, but Umpire McClung's decision went against Rand.It was fine, fast work, but how the bleachers stormed at McClung!
Again the head of the Quakers' formidable list was up.I knew from the way that Cogswell paced the coaching box that the word had gone out to look the Rube over seriously.There were possibilities even in rubes.
Berne carefully stepped into the batter's box, as if he wanted to be certain to the breadth of a hair how close he was to the plate.He was there this time to watch the Rube pitch, to work him out, to see what was what.He crouched low, and it would have been extremely hard to guess what he was up to.His great play, however, was his ability to dump the ball and beat out the throw to first.It developed presently, that this was now his intention and that the Rube knew it and pitched him the one ball which is almost impossible to bunt--a high incurve, over the inside corner.
There was no mistaking the Rube's magnificent control.True as a plumb line he shot up the ball--once, twice, and Berne fouled both--two strikes.Grudgingly he waited on the next, but it, too, was over the corner, and Berne went out on strikes.The great crowd did not, of course, grasp the finesse of the play, but Berne had struck out --that was enough for them.
Callopy, the famous spiker, who had put many a player out of the game for weeks at a time, strode into the batter's place, and he, too, was not at the moment making any funny remarks.The Rube delivered a ball that all but hit Callopy fair on the head.It was the second narrow escape for him, and the roar he let out showed how he resented being threatened with a little of his own medicine.As might have been expected, and very likely as the Rube intended, Callopy hit the next ball, a sweeping curve, up over the infield.
I was trying to see all the intricate details of the motive and action on the field, and it was not easy to watch several players at once.But while Berne and Callopy were having their troubles with the Rube, I kept the tail of my eye on Cogswell.He was prowling up and down the third-base line.
He was missing no signs, no indications, no probabilities, no possibilities.But he was in doubt.Like a hawk he was watching the Rube, and, as well, the crafty batters.The inning might not tell the truth as to the Rube's luck, though it would test his control.The Rube's speed and curves, without any head work, would have made him a pitcher of no mean ability, but was this remarkable placing of balls just accident? That was the question.
When Berne walked to the bench I distinctly heard him say: ``Come out of it, you dubs.I say you can't work him or wait him.He's peggin'
'em out of a gun!''
Several of the Quakers were standing out from the bench, all intent on the Rube.He had stirred them up.First it was humor; then ridicule, curiosity, suspicion, doubt.And I knew it would grow to wonder and certainty, then fierce attack from both tongues and bats, and lastly--for ball players are generous--unstinted admiration.
Somehow, not only the first climaxes of a game but the decisions, the convictions, the reputations of pitchers and fielders evolve around the great hitter.Plain it was that the vast throng of spectators, eager to believe in a new find, wild to welcome a new star, yet loath to trust to their own impulsive judgments, held themselves in check until once more the great Lane had faced the Rube.