第62章 The Last Adventure of the Brigadier(4)
This captain, who was a man of iron, shuffled and cut, dealt and played as if he were in his cafe.From below we heard the inarticulate murmurings of the two mates, half smothered by the handkerchiefs which gagged them.Outside the timbers creaked and the sails hummed under the brisk breeze which was sweeping us upon our way.Amid the splash of the waves and the whistle of the wind we heard the wild cheers and shoutings of the English sailors as they broached the keg of rum.We played half-a-dozen games and then the captain rose."I think they are ready for us now," said he.He took a brace of pistols from a locker, and he handed one of them to me.
But we had no need to fear resistance, for there was no one to resist.The Englishman of those days, whether soldier or sailor, was an incorrigible drunkard.
Without drink he was a brave and good man.But if drink were laid before him it was a perfect madness-- nothing could induce him to take it with moderation.
In the dim light of the den which they inhabited, five senseless figures and two shouting, swearing, singing madmen represented the crew of the Black Swan.Coils of rope were brought forward by the steward, and with the help of two French seamen (the third was at the wheel) we secured the drunkards and tied them up, so that it was impossible for them to speak or move.They were placed under the fore-hatch, as their officers had been under the after one, and Kerouan was directed twice aday to give them food and drink.So at last we found that the Black Swan was entirely our own.
Had there been bad weather I do not know what we should have done, but we still went gaily upon our way with a wind which was strong enough to drive us swiftly south, but not strong enough to cause us alarm.On the evening of the third day I found Captain Fourneau gazing eagerly out from the platform in the front of the vessel."Look, Gerard, look!" he cried, and pointed over the pole which stuck out in front.
A light blue sky rose from a dark blue sea, and far away, at the point where they met, was a shadowy something like a cloud, but more definite in shape.
"What is it?" I cried."It is land."
"And what land?"
I strained my ears for the answer, and yet I knew already what the answer would be.
"It is St.Helena."
Here, then, was the island of my dreams! Here was the cage where our great Eagle of France was confined!
All those thousands of leagues of water had not sufficed to keep Gerard from the master whom he loved.
There he was, there on that cloud-bank yonder over the dark blue sea.How my eyes devoured it! How my soul flew in front of the vessel--flew on and on to tell him that he was not forgotten, that after many days one faithful servant was coming to his side.Every instant the dark blur upon the water grew harder and clearer.
Soon I could see plainly enough that it was indeed a mountainous island.The night fell, but still I knelt upon the deck, with my eyes fixed upon the darkness which covered the spot where I knew that the great Emperor was.An hour passed and another one, and then suddenly a little golden twinkling light shone out exactly ahead of us.It was the light of the window of some house--perhaps of his house.It could not be more than a mile or two away.Oh, how I held out my hands to it!--they were the hands of Etienne Gerard, but it was for all France that they were heldout.
Every light had been extinguished aboard our ship, and presently, at the direction of Captain Fourneau, we all pulled upon one of the ropes, which had the effect of swinging round one of the sticks above us, and so stopping the vessel.Then he asked me to step down to the cabin.
"You understand everything now, Colonel Gerard," said he, "and you will forgive me if I did not take you into my complete confidence before.In a matter of such importance I make no man my confidant.I have long planned the rescue of the Emperor, and my remaining in England and joining their merchant service was entirely with that design.All has worked out exactly as I expected.I have made several successful voyages to the West Coast of Africa, so that there was no difficulty in my obtaining the command of this one.One by one I got these old French man-of-war's-men among the hands.As to you, I was anxious to have one tried fighting man in case of resistance, and I also desired to have a fitting companion for the Emperor during his long homeward voyage.My cabin is already fitted up for his use.I trust that before to-morrow morning he will be inside it, and we out of sight of this accursed island."You can think of my emotion, my friends, as I listened to these words.I embraced the brave Fourneau, and implored him to tell me how I could assist him.
"I must leave it all in your hands," said he."Would that I could have been the first to pay him homage, but it would not be wise for me to go.The glass is falling, there is a storm brewing, and we have the land under our lee.Besides, there are three English cruisers near the island which may be upon us at any moment.It is for me, therefore, to guard the ship and for you to bring off the Emperor."I thrilled at the words.
"Give me your instructions!" I cried.