第34章 How the Brigadier Triumphed in England(4)
"Is that your final answer?" "Yes, it is."He gave a bitter curse and threw down her hand."All right, my lady, we'll see about this." "Excuse me, sir!" said I, with dignity.
"Oh, go to blazes!" he cried, turning on me with his furious face.The next instant he had spurred his horse and was galloping down the road once more.
Lady Jane gazed after him until he was out of sight, and I was surprised to see that her face wore a smile and not a frown.Then sheturned to me and held out her hand.
"You are very kind, Colonel Gerard.You meant well, I am sure." "Madame," said I, "if you can oblige me with the gentleman's nameand address I will arrange that he shall never trouble you again." "No scandal, I beg of you," she cried.
"Madame, I could not so far forget myself.Rest assured that no lady's name would ever be mentioned by me in the course of such an incident.In bidding me to go to blazes this gentleman has relieved me from the embarrassment of having to invent a cause of quarrel.""Colonel Gerard," said the lady, earnestly, "you must give me your word as a soldier and a gentleman that this matter goes no farther, and also that you will say nothing to my brother about what you have seen.Promise me!""If I must."
"I hold you to your word.Now drive with me to High Combe, and I will explain as we go."The first words of her explanation went into me like a sabre-point."That gentleman," said she, "is my husband.""Your husband!"
"You must have known that I was married." She seemed surprised at my agitation.
"I did not know."
"This is Lord George Dacre.We have been married two years.There is no need to tell you how he wronged me.I left him and sought a refuge under my brother's roof.Up till to-day he has left me there unmolested.
What I must above all things avoid is the chance of a duel betwixt my husband and my brother.It is horrible to think of.For this reason Lord Rufton must know nothing of this chance meeting of to-day.""If my pistol could free you from this annoyance ----""No, no, it is not to be thought of.Remember your promise, Colonel Gerard.And not a word at High Combe of what you have seen!"Her husband! I had pictured in my mind that she was a young widow.This brown-faced brute with his "go to blazes" was the husband of thistender dove of a woman.Oh, if she would but allow me to free her from so odious an encumbrance! There is no divorce so quick and certain as that which I could give her.But a promise is a promise, and I kept it to the letter.My mouth was sealed.
In a week I was to be sent back from Plymouth to St.Malo, and it seemed to me that I might never hear the sequel of the story.And yet it was destined that it should have a sequel and that I should play a very pleasing and honourable part in it.
It was only three days after the event which I have described when Lord Rufton burst hurriedly into my room.
His face was pale and his manner that of a man in extreme agitation."Gerard," he cried, "have you seen Lady Jane Dacre?"I had seen her after breakfast and it was now mid-day.
"By Heaven, there's villainy here!" cried my poor friend, rushing about like a madman."The bailiff has been up to say that a chaise and pair were seen driving full split down the Tavistock Road.The blacksmith heard a woman scream as it passed his forge.Jane has disappeared.By the Lord, I believe that she has been kidnapped by this villain Dacre." He rang the bell furiously."Two horses, this instant!" he cried."Colonel Gerard, your pistols! Jane comes back with me this night from Gravel Hanger or there will be a new master in High Combe Hall."Behold us then within half an hour, like two knight- errants of old, riding forth to the rescue of this lady in distress.It was near Tavistock that Lord Dacre lived, and at every house and toll-gate along the road we heard the news of the flying post-chaise in front of us, so there could be no doubt whither they were bound.As we rode Lord Rufton told me of the man whom we were pursuing.
His name, it seems, was a household word throughout all England for every sort of mischief.Wine, women, dice, cards, racing--in all forms of debauchery he had earned for himself a terrible name.He was of an old and noble family, and it had been hoped that he had sowed his wild oats when he married the beautiful Lady Jane Rufton.
For some months he had indeed behaved well, and then he had wounded her feelings in their most tender part by some unworthy liaison.
She had fled from his house and taken refuge with her brother, from whose care she had now been dragged once more, against her will.I ask you if two men could have had a fairer errand than that upon which Lord Rufton and myself were riding.
"That's Gravel Hanger," he cried at last, pointing with his crop, and there on the green side of a hill was an old brick and timber building as beautiful as only an English country-house can be."There's an inn by the park-gate, and there we shall leave our horses," he added.