"Yes, I want to got across to the other side, or else to get up the river and land between Petersburg and Bermuda.""Sakes alive!" the woman exclaimed; "what do you want to do that for?""I will tell you," Vincent replied."I know I can trust my life to any woman in the Confederacy.I am one of General Wade Hampton's officers, and I have come through their lines to find out what they are doing.I have been caught once, but managed to slip through their hands, but there is no possibility of making my way back across the country, for the Yankee cavalry are patrolling every road, and the only chance I have is of getting away by boat.""Step right in, sir," the woman said."It's a real pleasure to us to have one of our officers under our roof.""I have a friend with me," Vincent said; "a faithful negro, who has helped me to escape, and who would be hung like a dog if they could lay hands on him.""Bring him in, sir, the woman said hospitably."I had four or five niggers till the Yanks came, but they all ran away 'cause they knew they would either be set to work or made to fight; so they went.
They said they would come back again when the trouble is over;maybe they will and maybe they won't.At first the niggers about here used to look for the Yanks coming, but as the news got about of what happened to those they took from their masters, they concluded they were better off where they were.Call your boy in, sir; call him in."Vincent gave a shout, and Tony at once came up.
"Thank you, we don't want anything to eat," Vincent went on as the woman began to put some plates on the table."We have just had a hearty meal, and have got enough food for three or four days in that bundle.But we want a boat, or, if we can't find that, some sailors' clothes.If I had them I would keep along the river down to Norfolk.The place will be full of sailors.We should not be likely to be noticed there.""I can't help you in that," the woman said; "but there are certainly some boats laid up along the shore.Now, Maria, who has got boats that haven't been taken?""I expect the Johnsons have got one," the other woman replied.
"They had a small boat the boys and girls used to go out fishing in.
I don't think the Yanks have got that.I expect they hid it away somewhere; but I don't know as they would let you have it.She is a close-fisted woman is Sarah Johnson.""I could pay her for its value," Vincent said.
"Oh, well, if you could pay her she would let you have it.