It was clear to Sara Lee from the beginning of the evening that Harvey did not intend to hear her story.He did not say so; indeed, for a time he did not talk at all.He sat with his arms round her, content just to have her there.
"I have a lot of arrears to make up," he said."I've got to get used to having you where I can touch you.To-night when I go Upstairs I'm going to take that damned colorless photograph of you and throw it out the window.""I must tell you about your photograph," she ventured."It always stood on the mantel over the stove, and when there was a threatened bombardment I used to put it under -"Let's not talk, honey."
When he came out of that particular silence he said abruptly: "Will Leete is dead.""Oh, no! Poor Will Leete."
"Died of pneumonia in some God-forsaken hole over there.He's left a wife and nothing much to keep her.That's what comes of mixing in the other fellow's fight.I guess we can get the house as soon as we want it.She has to sell; and it ought to be a bargain""Harvey," she said rather timidly, "you speak of the other fellow's fight.They say over there that we are sure to be drawn into it sooner or later.""Not on our life!" he replied brusquely."And if you don't mind, honey, I don't care to hear about what they think over there." He got up from his old place on the arm of her chair and stood on the rug."I'd better tell you now how I feel about this thing.I can't talk about it, that's all.We'll finish up now and let it go at that.I'm sorry there's a war.I'll send money when I can afford it, to help the Belgians, though my personal opinion is that they're getting theirs for what they did in the Congo.But I don't want to hear about what you did over there."He saw her face, and he went to her and kissed her cheek.
"I don't want to hurt you, honey," he said."I love you with all my heart.But somehow I can't forget that you left me and went over there when there was no reason for it.You put off our marriage, and I suppose we'd better get it over.Go ahead and tell me about it."He drew up a chair and waited, but the girl smiled rather tremulously."Perhaps we'd better wait, if you feel that way, Harvey."His face was set as he looked at her.
"There's only one thing I want to know," he said."And I've got a right to know that.You're a young girl, and you're beautiful - to me, anyhow.You've been over there with a lot of crazy foreigners." He got up again and all the bitterness of the empty months was in his voice."Did any of them - was there anybody there you cared about?""I came back, Harvey." "That's not the question.""There were many men - officers - who were kind to me.I -" "That's not the question, either.""If I had loved any one more than I loved you I should not have come back.""Wait a minute!" he said quickly."You had to come back, you know." "I could have stayed.The Englishwoman who took over my workasked me to stay on and help her."
He was satisfied then.He went back to the arm of her chair and kissedher.
"All right," he said."I've suffered the tortures of the damned, but - thatfixes it.Now let's talk about something else.I'm sick of this war talk." "I'd like to tell you about my little house.And poor Rene -""Who was Rene?" he demanded.
"The orderly."."The one on the step, with a rifle?" "Yes.""Look here," he said."I've got to get to all that gradually.I don't know that I'll ever get to it cheerfully.But I can't talk about that place to-night.And I don't want to talk war.The whole business makes me sick.I've got a car out of it, and if things keep on we may be able to get the Leete house.
But there's no reason in it, no sense.I'm sick to death of hearing about it.Let's talk of something else."But - and here was something strange - Sara Lee could find nothing else to talk about.The thing that she had looked forward so eagerly to telling - that was barred.And the small gossip of their little circle, purely personal and trivial, held only faint interest for her.For the first time they had no common ground to meet on.
Yet it was a very happy man who went whistling to his room that night.He was rather proud of himself too.After all the bitterness of the past months, he had been gentle and loving to Sara Lee.He had not scolded her.
In the next room he could hear her going quietly about, opening and closing the drawers of the new bureau, moving a chair.Pretty soon, God willing, they need never be separated.He would have her always, to protect and cherish and love.
He went outside to her closed door."Good night, sweetheart," he called softly."Good night, dear," came her soft reply.