第22章 ACT IV(4)
During this and what follows COKESON becomes more and more uneasy.
JAMES.This is painful,Falder.But you must see for yourself that it's impossible for a firm like this to close its eyes to everything.
Give us this proof of your resolve to keep straight,and you can come back--not otherwise.
FALDER.[After staring at JAMES,suddenly stiffens himself]Icouldn't give her up.I couldn't!Oh,sir!
I'm all she's got to look to.And I'm sure she's all I've got.
JAMES.I'm very sorry,Falder,but I must be firm.It's for the benefit of you both in the long run.No good can come of this connection.It was the cause of all your disaster.
FALDER.But sir,it means-having gone through all that-getting broken up--my nerves are in an awful state--for nothing.I did it for her.
JAMES.Come!If she's anything of a woman she'll see it for herself.She won't want to drag you down further.If there were a prospect of your being able to marry her--it might be another thing.
FALDER.It's not my fault,sir,that she couldn't get rid of him --she would have if she could.That's been the whole trouble from the beginning.[Looking suddenly at WALTER]...If anybody would help her!It's only money wants now,I'm sure.
COKESON.[Breaking in,as WALTER hesitates,and is about to speak]Idon't think we need consider that--it's rather far-fetched.
FALDER.[To WALTER,appealing]He must have given her full cause since;she could prove that he drove her to leave him.
WALTER.I'm inclined to do what you say,Falder,if it can be managed.
He goes to the window and looks down into the street.
COKESON.[Hurriedly]You don't take me,Mr.Walter.I have my reasons.
FALDER.[From the window]She's down there,sir.Will you see her?
I can beckon to her from here.
WALTER hesitates,and looks from COKESON to JAMES.
JAMES.[With a sharp nod]Yes,let her come.
FALDER beckons from the window.
COKESON.[In a low fluster to JAMES and WALTER]No,Mr.James.
She's not been quite what she ought to ha'been,while this young man's been away.She's lost her chance.We can't consult how to swindle the Law.
FALDER has come from the window.The three men look at him in a sort of awed silence.
FALDER.[With instinctive apprehension of some change--looking from one to the other]There's been nothing between us,sir,to prevent it ....What I said at the trial was true.And last night we only just sat in the Park.
SWEEDLE comes in from the outer office.
COKESON.What is it?
SWEEDLE.Mrs.Honeywill.[There is silence]
JAMES.Show her in.
RUTH comes slowly in,and stands stoically with FALDER on one side and the three men on the other.No one speaks.COKESONturns to his table,bending over his papers as though the burden of the situation were forcing him back into his accustomed groove.
JAMES.[Sharply]Shut the door there.[SWEEDLE shuts the door]
We've asked you to come up because there are certain facts to be faced in this matter.I understand you have only just met Falder again.
RUTH.Yes--only yesterday.
JAMES.He's told us about himself,and we're very sorry for him.
I've promised to take him back here if he'll make a fresh start.
[Looking steadily at RUTH]This is a matter that requires courage,ma'am.
RUTH,who is looking at FALDER,begins to twist her hands in front of her as though prescient of disaster.
FALDER.Mr.Walter How is good enough to say that he'll help us to get you a divorce.
RUTH flashes a startled glance at JAMES and WALTER.
JAMES.I don't think that's practicable,Falder.
JAMES.[Steadily]Now,Mrs.Honeywill.You're fond of him.
RUTH.Yes,Sir;I love him.
She looks miserably at FALDER.
JAMES.Then you don't want to stand in his way,do you?
RUTH.[In a faint voice]I could take care of him.
JAMES.The best way you can take care of him will be to give him up.
FALDER.Nothing shall make me give you up.You can get a divorce.
There's been nothing between us,has there?
RUTH.[Mournfully shaking her head-without looking at him]No.
FALDER.We'll keep apart till it's over,sir;if you'll only help us--we promise.
JAMES.[To RUTH]You see the thing plainly,don't you?You see what I mean?
RUTH.[Just above a whisper]Yes.
COKESON.[To himself]There's a dear woman.
JAMES.The situation is impossible.
RUTH.Must I,Sir?
JAMES.[Forcing himself to look at her]I put it to you,ma'am.His future is in your hands.
RUTH.[Miserably]I want to do the best for him.
JAMES.[A little huskily]That's right,that's right!
FALDER.I don't understand.You're not going to give me up--after all this?There's something--[Starting forward to JAMES]Sir,Iswear solemnly there's been nothing between us.
JAMES.I believe you,Falder.Come,my lad,be as plucky as she is.
FALDER.Just now you were going to help us.[He starts at RUTH,who is standing absolutely still;his face and hands twitch and quiver as the truth dawns on him]What is it?You've not been WALTER.Father!
JAMES.[Hurriedly]There,there!That'll do,that'll do!I'll give you your chance,Falder.Don't let me know what you do with yourselves,that's all.
FALDER.[As if he has not heard]Ruth?
RUTH looks at him;and FALDER covers his face with his hands.
There is silence.
COKESON.[Suddenly]There's some one out there.[To RUTH]Go in here.You'll feel better by yourself for a minute.