"We do not make a tanno-gallate of iron ink without added color, and so far as we know, there is no such ink on the market, as it would be practically colorless and illegible."* * * * * * *
"There is no such ink (a tanno-gallate of iron ink without added color) manufactured by any ink-maker as far as I know. It is obsolete."
The commercial names bestowed on the multitude of different inks placed on the market by manufacturers during the last century are in the thousands.
A few of them are cited as indicative of their variety, some of which are still sold under these names.
Kosmian Safety Fluid, Bablah Ink, Universal Jet Black, Treasury Ledger Fluid, Everlasting Black Ink, Raven-Black Ink, Nut-gall Ink, Pernambuco Ink, Blue Post Office Ink, Unchangeable Black, Document Safety Ink, Birmingham Copying Ink, Commercial Writing Fluid, Germania Ink, Horticultural Ink, Exchequer Ink, Chesnut Ink, Carbon Safety Ink, Vanadium Ink, Asiatic Ink, Terra-cotta Ink, Juglandin Ink, Persian Copying, Sambucin, Chrome Ink, Sloe Ink, Steel Pen Ink, Japanese Ink, English Office Ink, Catechu Ink, Chinese Blue Ink, Alizarin Ink, School Ink, Berlin Ink, Resin Ink, Water-glass Ink, Parisian Ink, Immutable Ink, Graphite Ink, Nigrilin Ink, Munich Ink, Electro-Chemical, Egyptian Black, "Koal" Black Ink, Ebony Black Ink, Zulu Black, Cobalt Black, Maroon Black, Aeilyton Copying, Dichroic, Congress Record, Registration, "Old English," etc.
The list of over 200 names, which follow, includes those of manufacturers of the best known foreign and domestic "black" inks and "chemical writing fluids"in use during the past century, as well as those of the present time.
Adriana Allfield Anderson Antoine Arnaudon Arnold Artus Ballade Ballande Barnes Bart Bartram Beaur Behrens Belmondi Berzelius Bizanger Blackwood Blair Bolley Bonney Bossin Boswell Bottger Boutenguy Braconnot Brande Bufeu Bufton Bure Carter Caw Cellier Champion Chaptal Chevallier Clarke Close Cochrane Collin Cooke Coupier and Collins Coxe Crock Cross Darcet Davids Davis Delunel Delarve Delang Derheims Dize Draper Druck Duhalde Dumas Dumovlen Dunand Dunlap Ellis Eisner Faber Faucher Faux Featherstone Fesneau Fontenelle Ford Fourmentin Freeman Fuchs Gaffard Gastaldi Geissler Geoffroy Gebel Goold Goupeir Grasse Green Guesneville Gullier Guyon Guyot Haenles Hager Haldat Hanle Hare Harrison Hausman Heeren Henry Herepath Hevrant Higgins Hogy Hunt Hyde Jahn James Joy Karmarsch Kasleteyer Kindt Klaproth Kloen Knaffl Knecht Lanaux Lanet Larenaudiere Lemancy Lenormand Leonhardi Lewis Ley Kauf Link Lipowitz Lorme Luhring Lyons MacCullogh Mackensic Mathieu Maurin Maynard and Noyes Melville Mendes Meremee Merget Minet Moller Moore Mordan Moser Morrell Mozard Murray Nash Nissen Ohme Ott Paul Payen Perry Peltz Petibeau Platzer Plissey Pomeroy Poncelet Prollius Proust Pusher Rapp Reade Redwood Reid Remigi Reinmann Rheinfeld Ribaucourt Ricker Roder Ruhr Runge Sanford Schaffgotoch Schleckum Schmidt Schoffern Scott Seldrake Selmi Simon Souberin Souirssean Stafford Stark Stein Stephens Stevens Syuckerbuyk Swan Tabuy Tarling Thacker Thomas Thumann Todd Tomkins Trialle Triest Trommsdorff Underwood Vallet Van Moos Vogel Wagner Walkden Wallach Waterlous Windsor and Newton Winternitz Woodmansee Worthington