第88章 A TWOSOME(2)
"To what effect, Mr. Drummond?" said I. "I would be obliged to you if you would approach your point.""Ay, ay," said he, laughing, "like your character, indeed! and what Imost admire in it. But the point, my worthy fellow, is sometimes in a kittle bit." He filled a glass of wine. "Though between you and me, that are such fast friends, it need not bother us long. The point, Ineed scarcely tell you, is my daughter. And the first thing is that Ihave no thought in my mind of blaming you. In the unfortunate circumstances, what could you do else? 'Deed, and I cannot tell.""I thank you for that," said I, pretty close upon my guard.
"I have besides studied your character," he went on; "your talents are fair; you seem to have a moderate competence, which does no harm; and one thing with another, I am very happy to have to announce to you that I have decided on the latter of the two ways open.""I am afraid I am dull," said I. "What ways are these?"He bent his brows upon me formidably and uncrossed his legs. "Why, sir," says he, "I think I need scarce describe them to a gentleman of your condition; either that I should cut your throat or that you should marry my daughter.""You are pleased to be quite plain at last," said I.
"And I believe I have been plain from the beginning!" cries he robustiously. "I am a careful parent, Mr. Balfour; but I thank God, a patient and deleeborate man. There is many a father, sir, that would have hirsled you at once either to the altar or the field. My esteem for your character - ""Mr. Drummond," I interrupted, "if you have any esteem for me at all, Iwill beg of you to moderate your voice. It is quite needless to rowt at a gentleman in the same chamber with yourself and lending you his best attention.""Why, very true," says he, with an immediate change. "And you must excuse the agitations of a parent.""I understand you then," I continued - "for I will take no note of your other alternative, which perhaps it was a pity you let fall - Iunderstand you rather to offer me encouragement in case I should desire to apply for your daughter's hand?""It is not possible to express my meaning better," said he, "and I see we shall do well together.""That remains to be yet seen," said I. "But so much I need make no secret of, that I bear the lady you refer to the most tender affection, and I could not fancy, even in a dream, a better fortune than to get her.""I was sure of it, I felt certain of you, David," he cried, and reached out his hand to me.
I put it by. "You go too fast, Mr. Drummond," said I. "There are conditions to be made; and there is a difficulty in the path, which Isee not entirely how we shall come over. I have told you that, upon my side, there is no objection to the marriage, but I have good reason to believe there will be much on the young lady's.""This is all beside the mark," says he. "I will engage for her acceptance.""I think you forget, Mr. Drummond," said I, "that, even in dealing with myself, you have been betrayed into two-three unpalatable expressions.