第8章 离奇事件(1)
1 A Branch
A man was standing at a corner,with a hat in each hand,waiting for handouts.A passerby stopped and dropped a coin in one hat,then asked,"What's the other hat for?"
"Business has been so tremendous lately,"the man replied,"that I decided to open a branch."
2 Church Talk
A preacher decided to sell his horse.A prospective buyer was impressed with the animal,but the preacher said,"I must warn you-he only responds to'church talk'.Go is'Praise the Lord',and stop is'Hallelujah'."
"I've worked with horses all my life,"said the buyer,"and I've never heard of anything like this."Mounting the horse,he said skeptically,"Praise the Lord."The horse began to trot.He repeated"Praise the Lord"and the horse broke into a gallop.Suddenly the buyer saw a cliff dead ahead.Frantic,he yelled"Hallelujah",and they came to a stop two foot from the edge.
Wiping the sweat from his brow,the buyer said,"Praise the Lord!"
3 Imitate Birds
A man tried to get a job in a stage show."What can you do?"asked the producer.
"Imitate birds."the man said.
"Are you kidding?"answered the producer,"People like that are a dime a dozen."
"Well,I guess that's that."said the actor,as he spread his arms and flew out the window.
4 Belly Button
Mrs.Bruce:Here I am again,doctor,for my face‐lifting operation.
Dr.Carlos,the plastic surgeon:I've got bad news for you.You have had your face‐lifted once too many.I'm afraid,I can't do it any more."
Mrs.Bruce:Why not,doctor?Why not?
Dr.Carlos:I'll tell you why not.See the dimple on your cheek?Originally that was your belly button.
5 Things Have Been Okay
A young couple were becoming anxious about their five‐year‐old son,who had not yet talked.They took him to specialists,but the doctors found nothing wrong with him.
Then one morning at breakfast the boy suddenly blurted,"
Mom,the toast is burned."
"You talked! You talked!"Shouted his mother."I'm so happy! But why has it taken this long?"
"Well,up till now,"said the boy,"things have been okay."
6 Chaude and Cold
A patron in Montreal cafe turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded.
"This is an outrage."she complained,"The faucet marked C gave me boiling water."
"But,Madam,C stands for chaude-French for hot.You should know that if You live in Montreal."
"Wait a minute."roared the patron,"The other tap is also marked C."
"Of course,"said the manager,"It stands for cold.After all,Montreal is a bilingual city."
7 Rain
A store manager heard his clerk tell a customer,"No,madam,we haven't had any for a while,and it doesn't look as if we'll be getting any soon."
The manager came running over to the customer and said,"of course we'll have some soon.We placed an order last week."
Then the manager drew the clerk aside."Never say we are out of anything-say we've got it on order and it's coming at once.Now what was it she wanted?"
"Rain."said the clerk.
8 Horse
A farmer went to hunt with a horse and a dog.They had walked a whole day and nothing was available.The farmer planned to continue.That horse said suddenly,"We have walked for one day.Do you want to wear me out?"
The farmer and the hunting dog were frightened and ran away.They ran up to a tree.The hunting dog struck its chest and said,"Oh,it almost scared me to death.The horse can speak."
At the end,the farmer died from fright.
9 The Child May Stay
One afternoon while I was talking to a professor.my two‐year‐old daughter,Dora,wandered into a nearby classroom.There was a math class in progress and to my dismay,Dora sat down in front row.
When I went in to get her,the instructor stopped me."Young lady,"he said,"I have been teaching calculus at this college for over ten years.In that time,not once has anyone come to my class just because he or she wanted to.The child may stay."
10 A Car Accident
An American,a Scot and a Canadian were killed in a car accident.They arrived at the gate of heaven,where a flustered St.Peter explained that there had been a mistake.
"Give me$1000 each,"he said,"and I'll return you to earth as if the whole thing never happened."
"Done!"said the American.Instantly he found himself standing unhurt near the scene.
"Where are the others?"asked a medic.
"Last I knew,"said the American,"the Scot was haggling price,and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay."