纵观现代经济的发展过程,一个显著特征是服务业的迅猛发展,服务业在国民经济中的地位越来越重要。这一显著特征,一方面表现在服务部门的产值在国民生产总值中的比例越来越高;另一方面,服务部门为社会创造了大量的就业机会,尤其是在经济衰退时期。服务产业在国民经济中地位的突现,与农业、工业等传统产业的关系在国民经济中发生了结构性变化,因此,有人把后工业化社会称之为服务经济(Service Economy)社会。
菲茨西蒙斯在说到这个问题时有一段非常生动的概括,他说:“In the early 900s,only three of every ten workers in the United States were employed in the services sector. The remaining workers were active in agriculture and industry by 1950,employment in services accounted for 50 percent of the workforce. Today,service employ about eight out of every ten workers. During the past90years,we have witnessed a major evolution in our society from being predominantly manufacturing-based to being predominantly service-based. ”(20世纪初,在美国10个劳动者中只有3个从事服务业,其他的人都活跃于农业和工业。到20世纪50年代,服务业的就业人数达到总就业人数的50%。今天,服务业的就业人数达到就业大军十分之八。在过去90年中,我们目睹了由制造业主导到服务业主导的社会发展进程。)
0.1.1 世界进入服务经济时代
“World War II marked a milestone in the explosive rise of service industries. At the end of the war major social and economic changes transformed Western economies. The restructuring of the shattered European economy brought massive new investment projects,which placed new demands on the financial services sector. Specialization in all areas of production meant that businesses became more reliant upon contracted services. The increased rate of spending on personal consumption services has also been impressive,rising from approximately 30 per cent to over50 per cent in the last thirty years. Individuals are spending greater proportions of their income on travel, restaurant and leisure services to improve the quality of their lives;on telephone,postal and commu-nication services,reflecting a more dynamic and fast moving environment;and on purchasing better quality health and education services. The growing complexity of banking,insurance,investment, accountancy and legal services has led to greater demands for financial and professional services in each of these areas. Over the past forty years the services sector has come to dominate our economy,this trend has been so strong that it has been described as the Second Industrial Revolution. ”(第二次世界大战是服务行业爆炸性增长的里程碑。战争结束后,社会经济的重大变化改变了西方的经济。重建被战争破坏的欧洲经济,带来了大规模的新投资项目,这就产生了对金融服务部门的新需求。所有生产领域的专业化意味着商务活动越发依赖合同服务。个人消费服务支出的增长率更是给人印象深刻,在过去的30年里它已从30%增长到大约50%。为提高生活质量,人们正把他们收入的更多部分花在旅游、餐饮和休闲服务上;花在电话、邮递和通信服务上,反映出更有生气的和快速变动的环境;花在购买质量更好的医疗和教育服务上。银行、保险、投资、会计和法律服务的日益增长的复杂性导致需要更多的金融服务以及在各自领域里的专业服务。在过去的40年里服务部门已经要统治我们的经济了。这个趋势如此的强大以致被描述成第二次产业革命。)
表0-1 1988年主要工业国家三大部门劳动就业率比较


图0-1 1988年五国三大部门劳动力就业率比较

图0-2 美国三大行业就业率发展趋势

图0-3 美国三大行业GDP比例
表0-2 英国1968—1990服务业就业人数统计千人

表0-3 1980—1997中国三大产业产值就业比重情况

资料来源:陈祝平.服务市场营销. 大连:东北财经大学出版社,2001:18.

图0-4 1980—1997年中国三大产业GDP比重图

图0-5 1980—1997年中国三大产业就业人数比重图
服务经济的飞速发展必然带来对有关服务营销理论的需求。长期以来,营销理论与技巧的产生和发展都是以有形的制造业用品或消费品为基础的,如果把它们照搬过来用于指导无形的服务活动时往往会步入“管理陷阱”(Management Trap),因为在服务市场上,营销面临着新的竞争形势和挑战。
在菲茨西蒙斯的著作中,曾说到这样一段话,描述了当今服务业发展的情况。“Today, service industries are the source of economic leadership. During the past 30 years,more than 44 million new jobs have been created in the service sector to absorb the influx of women into the workforce and to provide an alternative to the lack of job opportunities in manufacturing. The service industries now account for approximately 70 percent of the national income in the United States. Given that there is a limit to how many cars a consumer can use and how much one can eat and drink,this should not be surprising. The appetite for services,however,especially innovative ones, is insatiable. Among the services presently in demand are those that reflect an aging population, such as vices presently in demand are those that reflect an aging population,such as geriatric health care,and others that reflect a two-income family,such as day care. ”(今天,服务业是处于经济先导地位的发展源泉。过去30年中,服务业提供了超过4400万个新的就业机会,从而吸收了大量的妇女劳动大军,同时也使制造业就业机会减少的问题得到解决。服务业现在占美国国民收入的70%。考虑到消费者对汽车或饮食的需求毕竟有限,这个数字并不令人感到惊奇。而对服务业的需求,特别是对新兴服务的需求仍未得到满足。需求较大的服务主要反映在人口老龄化方面,例如老年人保健,以及双职工家庭,如日间保姆。)他接着说:“The growth of the service sector has produced a less cyclic national economy. During the past four recession in the United States,employment by service industries has actually increased,while jobs in manufacturing have been lost. This suggests that consumers are willing to postpone the purchase of products but will not sacrifice essential services like education,telephone,banking,health care, and public services such as fire and police protection.”(服务业的发展使得国民经济周期性得以缓解。美国在过去的四次经济衰退中,服务业的就业机会实际上是增长的,而制造业的就业机会在减少。这表明,消费者有推迟购买商品的倾向,而不愿减少对基本服务的需求,如教育、电信、金融、保健及消防治安等公共服务。)接着,菲茨西蒙斯分析了服务具有抵御经济衰退的几方面原因。他这样写道:“Several reasons can explain the recession-resistant nature of services. First,by their nature,services cannot be inventoried,as is the case for products. Because consumption and production occur simultaneously for services,the demand for them is more stable than that for manufactured goods. When the economy falters,many services continue to survive. Hospitals keep busy as usual,and,while commissions may drop in real estate,insurance,and security businesses,employees need not be laid off. Second,during a recession, both consumers and business firms defer capital expenditures and instead fix up and make do with existing equipment. Thus,service jobs in maintenance and repair are created.”(服务业具有这种抵御衰退的特点主要来自以下几个方面原因:首先是由于服务的本质,服务不能像实体产品一样库存。因为服务业的消费和生产是同时发生的,所以对它们的需求比较稳定。当经济衰退时,许多服务得以继续存在。尽管房地产、保险、证券业的交易在下降,但医院仍像往常一样繁忙,不必减少雇员。其次,在衰退过程中,消费者和公司均推迟了资金的支出,而对现存设备加以维修将就使用。这样一来,服务业的就业机会保留下来。)
这可使我们明白在从制造业为主向服务型社会的转型时期,服务业得以生存和发展的部分原因。在社会的转型时期,服务部门雨后春笋般地成长起来有一定的社会基础。在佩恩的著作中,他这样告诉我们:“There are various reasons for the growth of services sector. These can be divided into demographic,social,and political changes. ”(服务部门的增长有许多原因。可以分为人口统计的、社会的、经济的、政治的变化。)
Demography changes
(1)Life expectancy has risen,producing an expanding retired population. This sector has created new demands for leisure and travel as well as for health care and nursing.(预期寿命已经延长,产生并扩大了退休人口。这部分人口既需要休闲和旅游,也需要身体的保健和护理。)
(2)Structural shifts in communities have affected where and how people live. The development of new towns and regions has increased the need for infrastructure and support services.(社区的结构变化已经影响了人们在什么地方和怎样生活。新的城镇和住宅区的发展增加了对基础设施及其辅助服务的需求。)
Social changes
(1)The increased number of women in the workforce has led to previously domestic functions being per formed outside the home. This has promoted the rapid rise of the fast food industry,child care facilities and other personal services.(职业妇女人数的增长导致以前的家务事要在家庭外完成。这促进了快餐业、幼儿园和其他私人服务的快速发展。)
(2)Working women and the resulting two-income households have created a greater demand for consumer services,including retailing,real estate and personal financial service.(职业妇女及其导致的双收入家庭产生了对消费服务的更大需求,其中包括零售、房地产和私人理财服务。)
(3)The quality of life has improved. Smaller families with two incomes have more disposable income to spend on entertainment,travel and hospitality services.(生活质量已经改善。有两份收入的小家庭有更多可支配的收入用于娱乐、旅游和待客服务。)
(4)International travel and mobility have produced more sophisticated consumer tastes. Consumers compare services both nationally and internationally and demand variety and improved quality.(国际间的旅行和迁移造就了更高级的消费品位。顾客会比较国内外的服务,还需要多样化和高质量。)
(5)The greater complexity of life has created demand for a wide range of services,particularly legal and financial advice.(高度复杂化的生活产生了更大范围的服务需求,特别是法律和金融咨询上。)
(6)Communication and travel have increased aspiration levels. As a result both children and adults are making new demands on learning establishments,in order to develop the skills needed to compete in our complex and fast changing environment.(通信和旅行增加了期望水准。结果是孩子和成年人都需要安排学习,这是为了发展个人技能以跟上我们复杂的、日新月异的环境。)
Economic changes
(1)Globalization has increased the demand for communication,travel and information services. This has been fuelled by the rapid changes brought about by new information technology. (全球化增长了对通信、旅行和信息服务的需求。新信息技术所带来的快速变化刺激了这种需求。)
(2)Increased specialization within the economy has led to greater reliance on specialist service providers,for example,advertising and market research have become specialist functions supporting all sectors of the economy.(经济领域不断增长的专业化导致更多地依赖专业服务提供者。例如,广告和市场研究已经变成支持所有经济部门的专门功能。)
Political and legal changes
(1)Government has grown in size,creating a huge infrastructure of service departments. This trend has been augmented by the European Community.(政府规模的扩大,产生了服务部门巨大的基础设施。这一趋势还被欧共体所扩大。)
(2)Internationalism has made increased and new demands on legal and other professional services.(国际化增加了在法律和其他专业服务的新需求。)