更新时间:2021-07-14 11:02:51
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Chapter 1. Breaking into Microservices Architecture
What is monolithic architecture?
Microservices architecture to the rescue
Implementing microservices using Seneca
Chapter 2. Building a Coupon Site
Getting started
Architecture of our site
Creating the services
Creating the image upload server
Creating the monolithic core
Website walkthrough
Further improvements to the site
Chapter 3. Communication between Browsers in Real Time
Introduction to WebRTC
WebRTC applications using PeerJS
Chapter 4. Building a Chatroulette
Creating your own PeerServer
Creating a chatroulette
Chapter 5. Bidirectional Communication in Real Time
Introducing WebSocket
Introduction to Socket.IO
Chapter 6. Building a Live Score Site
Building the backend
Building the frontend
Testing the website
Chapter 7. Functional Reactive Programming
Introduction to reactive programming
Functional programming in a nutshell
Getting started with FRP
FRP using Bacon.js
Chapter 8. Building an Advanced Profile Search Widget
Errors in Bacon.js
Handling exceptions
Constant properties
An overview of buses
Subscribing to the end of EventStreams and properties
Unplugging subscribers
Combining and zipping
Lazy evaluation
Building the profile search widget
Chapter 9. New Features of Bootstrap 4
Downloading Bootstrap 4
Browser and device support
Understanding the rem and em CSS units
The grid system
Global margin reset
Spacing utility classes
Display headings
Inverse tables
The card component
Outline buttons
Moving from Less to Sass
Text alignment and float utility classes
Flexbox support
JavaScript improvements
Adding Tether
The 21:9 aspect ratio class
Customizing Bootstrap 4
Glyphicons dropped
Chapter 10. Building User Interfaces Using React
Introducing React
Getting started with JSX
Digging into components
Default component property values
Component life cycle methods
Using Refs
Chapter 11. Building an RSS Reader Using React and Flux
Understanding Flux
Using Flux.js
Using MicroEvent.js