更新时间:2021-06-18 18:35:36
About Packt
Why subscribe?
Introduction to Xamarin
Native applications
Xamarin and Mono
Xamarin platforms
Setting up a development machine
Xamarin productivity tooling
Building Our First Xamarin.Forms App
Technical requirements
An overview of the project
Beginning the project
Building a News App Using Xamarin.Forms Shell
Project overview
Getting started
Building the news app
A Matchmaking App with a Rich UX Using Animations
Creating the matchmaking app
Building a Photo Gallery App Using CollectionView and CarouselView
Building the photo gallery app
Building a Location Tracking App Using GPS and Maps
Building the MeTracker app
Building a Weather App for Multiple Form Factors
Building the weather app
Setting Up a Backend for a Chat App Using Azure Services
Understanding the different Azure serverless services
Building the serverless backend
Using the Computer Vision API to scan photos for adult content
Building a Real-Time Chat Application
Building the chat app
Creating an Augmented Reality Game
Essential theory
Setting up the project
Hot Dog or Not Hot Dog Using Machine Learning
Machine learning
Building the Hot Dog or Not Hot Dog application using machine learning
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