更新时间:2021-08-06 17:06:25
Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook
About the Authors
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What this book covers
Our Plone development project
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Chapter 1. Getting Started
Installing Python on Linux
Installing Plone on Linux
Installing Plone on Windows
Checking out code from a version controlsystem
Creating a Plone site
Chapter 2. Using Development Tools
Accessing an IPython powered shell
Taking advantage of an enhanced interactive Python debugger with ipdb
Discovering Zope/Plone APIs and docstrings with DocFinderTab
Opening an online Python shell on Plone using Clouseau
Debugging Zope exceptions with PDBDebug Mode
Applying code changes on-the-fly using plone.reload
Chapter 3. Creating Content Types with ArchGenXML
Installing ArchGenXML
Configuring ArgoUML
Creating a model
Generating code
Customizing generated code
Installing the product
Automatically installing products in your Zope instance
Chapter 4. Prevent Bugs through Testing
Working with paster-generated test suites
Creating a test suite with ArchGenXML
Creating doctests with iPython
Zope functional testing
Using Selenium functional tests
Chapter 5. Creating a Custom Content Type with Paster
Creating an Archetypes product with paster
Adding a content type into a product
Changing the base class in paster content types
Adding fields to a content type
Adding a custom validator to a content type
Modifying the view of a content type with jQuery
Chapter 6. Creating Lightweight Content Types
Creating a product package structure
Creating a folderish content type
Creating the user interface for Zope 3 content types
Creating content types with Dexterity
Chapter 7. Improving Product Performance
Installing CacheFu with a policy product
Improving performance by tweaking expensive code
Testing server load and benchmarking our code
Chapter 8. Internationalization
Adding i18ndude support to ArchGenXML
Installing i18ndude standalone
Using i18ndude
Using Placeless Translation Services for i18n support
Using zope.i18n approach
Overriding others' translations
Using i18n with ArchGenXML
Using i18n with paster-created products
Adding i18n support to any product
Translating content
Setting language options
Chapter 9. Adding Security to your Products
Creating a new permission
Adding a new role
Adding user groups
Testing security customizations
Protecting operations with permissions
Managing security with workflows
Adding configuration options in Plone control panel
Chapter 10. Improving User Interface with KSS
Preparing a form to take full advantage of KSS
Changing end user pages with client-side KSS
Submitting data via AJAX
Chapter 11. Creating Portlets
Creating a portlet package
Customizing a new portlet according to our requirements
Testing portlets
Assigning portlets automatically
Chapter 12. Extending Third-Party Products
Using skin layers
Overriding Zope 3 components